الخميس، 2 يناير 2014

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires

Pulsating with vitality and seductive charm from colorful European architecture to animated neighborhoods, sensational shopping, gourmet cuisine and sizzling nightlife, it is no wonder that Buenos Aires gave birth to the captivating tango dance. Located off the southeastern coast of South America, Buenos Aires is the capital city of Argentina and one of Latin America’s largest cities.
This vibrant cosmopolitan city is composed of 48 districts called barrios. Some of the most visited of these barrios include the Microcentro where The Obelisco, the Casa Rosada and the world’s widest avenue are located. The stylish district of Palermo is home to the city’s zoo, botanic gardens, beautiful parks and Hippodrome. Recoleta boasts gourmet restaurants, upscale shops and an elaborate cemetery where the tomb of the country’s former First Lady, Eva Perón, is contained. San Telmo is popular for its flea markets while La Boca’s multicolored architecture and tango street dancing make it a world famous district.
Overflowing in museums, art galleries and world class theaters, Buenos Aires boasts one of Latin America’s most active cultural scenes. One of the most popular things to do in the city is attending the tango dances frequently performed in various streets and venues.
A city that never sleeps, Buenos Aires is brimming in bars, clubs and discos. There is a wide range of cuisine from pizza places to international restaurants and local parrillas, specializing in roasted and barbecued beef.
Tourists can get around Buenos Aires easily by bus, metro and taxis.

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